In four years, 270 productions in Greece generated a turnover of 492 million euros
Without incentives, it is not easy to advance investments, at any level. In Greece, everything changed in 2018 with the introduction of incentives such as cash rebates and tax relief, related to television and film productions, which provide the opportunity to promote...
Investments of 500 million euros and 70,000 jobs in audiovisual productions
Attracting foreign investment is now easier to strengthen the audiovisual production sector, after the success recorded in attracting producers from all over the world and the inclusion of 273 projects in the incentives of the National Center for Audiovisual Media and...
Greek Cinema Is Having a Moment
With five films in the fest lineup, Greece is experiencing its strongest showing in years, and insiders say the current boom
Greece, endless possibilities
At the Makers (p.70-72) featured an article with the title Greece, endless possibilities
Have we become Hollywood without realizing it?
Have we become Hollywood without realizing it?
Greece an international studio: 35 films are being shot in 2021
The time has come for our country to become a big Hollywood stage, with different, emblematic parts of it dominating films and first-line productions: thanks to the new law and the initiatives promoted by the National Center for Audiovisual Media (EKOME) and the...
Film Production In Greece
In 2021, the major foreign film and television productions that chose Greece for filming multiplied. To a large extent, it is about the positive response of the international market to very strong incentives, such as the cash rebate, which have been in place for decades in other countries and were established in the last four years in Greece as well.
Greece pins its recovery hopes on a new kind of foreign investor: Hollywood film crews
Under the headline “Greece Pins Its Hopes for Recovery on a New Kind of Foreign Investor: Hollywood Film Crews,” Fortune magazine reports on Greece and foreign film productions that are gaining ground more and more.
Greece is set to become Europe’s favorite filming location
Following a record year (2021) for audiovisual productions in Greece, 2022 started also dynamically and all the indications show that we are expecting a second record year in a row”
Greece lures international producers in push to become film and TV hub
€75 million scheme offers a mix of financial and tax incentives to film, TV and game producers.